Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Microsoft preps cognitive radio prototype for use with TV spectrum - Convergence -

Dell, HP, Google, and others want the FCC to sign off on letting consumer devices utilize the "white space.".

An informal coalition of technology companies, including Dell, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, and Philips Electronics, has asked the FCC to make unused portions of the TV broadcast spectrum available for unlicensed use by wireless devices.

Though the specific devices that might work with this "super Wi-Fi" network have yet to designed, Microsoft is preparing to submit its prototype "cognitive radio" soon. A company spokesman said Microsoft and its partners aim to demonstrate to the FCC that consumer devices can utilize the spectrum "white space" without causing interference with TV or other signals.

"This is all related to the FCC-proposed rulemaking to open up white spaces for additional uses," says a spokesman for Microsoft. "We think there's an opportunity for innovation in using those spaces."